Why network of nature?
The Biodiversity Crisis

Native plants play a critical role in the health of Canadian ecosystems, including the wildlife that depends on them. Human development has eliminated enormous tracts of native plants in Canada and around the world. When native plants are lost and replaced with non-native species or concrete, wildlife is also lost, leading to the collapse of ecosystem function. 


The Network of Nature is dedicated to restoring and fortifying Canada’s unique biodiversity against the stresses of development and climate change by inspiring Canadians to plant native seeds, plants and trees to establish a national network of native habitats.


The benefits of replanting large tracts of wild spaces with native species ensures that we can also maintain species diversity, conserve habitat and improve the overall long-term health of our ecosystems.

hands holding leaves

To discover native plants will thrive in your geographic region, you can search through our directory of species here.


Check out our resources page for information on how to source, plant and document the new green spaces you are creating. 

How You Can Help

The Network of Nature database is intended to be an ever-evolving resource. If you believe we are doing valuable work, if this resource has helped you understand the world around you, or you want to be a advocate for Canadian plant knowledge, here are the ways you can contribute:


Become a Plant Database Steward

It takes hours, expertise, and money to keep our web presence alive. By becoming a Steward and making a small monthly donation, you are ensuring that we can sustain this work into the future.


Donate Here


Join the Network

For more information about the Network of Nature movement and how you can be a part of it, please contact us. 


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Our partners
We're Growing a Movement


Presenting Partners

Canadian geographic logo

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society has a 93 year old track record of success in working in partnership with the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors to fulfill its mission. Our experiences as the leading Canadian educational non-profit and publisher of Canada’s beloved magazine - Canadian Geographic - positions us well to act as the convenor of this broadly-sweeping, multi-stakeholder related opportunity to engage Canadians on the pressing crisis.


Dougan and Associates logo

Dougan & Associates (Dougan) is a well-established ecological consulting and design firm based in Southern Ontario. For over 40 years, Dougan’s core focus has been to reimagine our role in nature through ecological interpretation and design, to realize the ecological potential of every place. Dougan’s CanPlant initiative involved the curation and maintenance of web resources and an interactive database to connect Canadians to plants that are native to Canada and that are ecologically appropriate for restoration, gardening, and landscape design. As a founding partner, Dougan will transition the CanPlant resources to the Network of Nature to maintain the original mission of ‘connecting people to plants’.


TD Canada logo

At TD, we believe we have an obligation to future generations to take care of our planet. Our dedication to developing green spaces is an integral part of how we support communities across North America. We’re committed to helping create a more Vibrant Planet by continuing to grow and enhance green spaces for everyone to enjoy. The benefits are not only environmental, but social, economic and health related.




Supporting Partners 

Toronto Zoo logo


Green Communities Canada logo


Wilder logo



Help us grow the Network of Nature  Contact Us

Acknowledging the Land, its First Peoples, and Traditional Knowledge

The geopolitical area called Canada resides on Indigenous land. This land comprises many different territories which have been inhabited by First Nations, Métis Nations, and Inuit peoples from the beginning. You can see whose land you're on using the following interactive map: https://www.whose.land/


Respectful recognition of the history, culture, and information systems of Indigenous communities needs to be part of our mission to connect people with plants. Furthermore, acknowledgment of Canada's history and legacy of colonialism and the need for change must continually inform our work.


Beyond simply including this text, we recognize that we have an obligation to use Network of Nature's educational tools and media to help create dialogue around reconciliation, to promote Indigenous knowledge, and to cultivate strong relationships with the First Peoples of Canada.

We understand this responsibility to be an ongoing practice. If you have ideas for work that Network of Nature can do in support of these aims, please contact us.


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