Network of Nature

The Network of Nature is a national movement created to restore Canada's biodiversity by motivating, educating and empowering individuals and organizations to plant locally appropriate native species.


Guided by Traditional and Western scientific knowledge, the Network of Nature is establishing a network of healthy, productive habitat across the country by enhancing urban greenspaces and enriching developed areas with native plant species. This will be achieved by sharing plant knowledge, embracing connection, and inspiring appreciation, responsibility, and reciprocity for our planet, our home.

Join US
We're Growing a Movement

Everyone can play a role in restoring Canada's biodiversity, whether you’re a home gardener with a backyard or balcony, a municipality adding diversity to your roads and parks systems, or a corporate landowner adding greenspaces to your next development project.



Presenting Partners 

Canadian geographic logo
Dougan and Associates logo
TD Canada logo


Supporting Partners 

Toronto Zoo logo
Green Communities Canada logo
Wilder logo


Are you ready to join the Network of Nature?  Contact Us



From Far and wide
Stories of Native Plants

Read stories about native plants from across Canada. 

From Far and wide
Featured Species

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